Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Keeping promises to myself

I don't know why it is so difficult for me to keep the promises that I make to myself when I so easily keep promises I make to others.  I guess I assume that I'm not as important as other people but if I don't keep the promises I set for myself, then who will keep them?  During the Daniel Fast, it is suggested that you have a goal that you pray about during the 21 days.  I have a lot of things I could have chosen to work on, but I chose to work on making and maintaining friendships.  On the surface, deactivating my Facebook account for the summer would appear to be working against my goal.  I found, though, that I was more interested in what was happening online rather than in my little world.  Several people have reached out to me to see where I have disappeared and why and I truly appreciate their kindness...I was pretty sure that no one would miss me so it is nice to be wrong in this case.  

I have a friend that I saw once in a while and we'd say hello but we didn't have an opportunity to really touch base.  She's a busy woman and while I'm not as busy, I have neglected this friendship.  We were able to get together for coffee this past week and I came away from our hour together feeling happy that we had a chance to re-connect.  She spends time with my young adults in a work environment but I have missed the chitchat times we had when she lived next door.  It's been lonely in the neighborhood without her family sharing a property line!  When we first moved into our house, we loved the family who lived next door and we were sad and apprehensive when they decided to move to Delaware.  God had a plan, though, and we are so thankful that Libby and her family moved in next door!  The boys brought such happiness to us with their enthusiasm and curiosity!  When Ellie came along, it was such a joy to hold a baby girl again!  Libby has helped us navigate the challenges that Patrick has faced and continues to face with his Asperger's Syndrome and anxiety.  She has been a role model for Liz in her choice of study and career as well as just a really nice person to chat with "over the fence".  We were sad when they moved to the other side of the subdivision even though we knew they needed a bigger house with a growing family. It was especially hard when Madeline came along and we weren't next door to help out. They have given us so much by allowing us to be a part of their "family" and it means a lot to be able to honestly chat with someone who "gets" it.

So, I have kept that goal and I am going to continue to reach out and strengthen bonds that I have allowed to go slack.  When you live far from family, friends are so important to a happy, healthy life!  I only hope that we give back as much as we get!

Liz had her four impacted wisdom teeth pulled last Tuesday and with the heat wave and her pain, she had a rough week.  She is finally back to her old self again and the money that we invested in orthodontia has been protected!  

I have really been pushing myself to get things out of the old house so we can get it on the market asap.  So much "stuff"!  Right now I am just shoving it in boxes and hoping that I'll be able to find what I really need before I need it!  Things are progressing and I'm seeing more boxes labelled and stacked and less "stuff" scattered around the house.  I don't even know what we have anymore!  

I am trying to be mindful of what I eat...I had a bad day when I overindulged and boy did I pay the price!  Funny thing is....what I ate was a normal "pre-fast" meal.  I am trying to stay vegan as much as possible with the occasional meat meal and I have to have half and half with my coffee...but I'm trying and that is what matters.

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