Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life Advice to my kids..both born of my flesh and born of my heart

 Okay, you don't want to hear the words and maybe you won't even read the words, but I have to tell you anyway.
Life can suck....big time... and how you deal with it is a measure of your faith in yourself and how you fit into the world around you.  I wish I could promise you that there wouldn't be hurts, disappointments, rejections, and sorrows but the truth is that it isn't in my power to do so...believe me, I wish it were.  You have NO idea how much it hurts me when something is hurting you and I can't fix it.  You MUST believe me, though, when I say that there is NOTHING that can make you a failure but YOU when you give up on yourself. 
I know you are hurt and you feel like it's the end of the world, but it isn't.  Life will go on with a detour or a side trip, but it DOES go on.  If someone rejects you...it is THEIR loss, not yours.  You were born for a reason and even though you don't see it now, you will NOT be distracted from the purpose you were meant to achieve. 
Life is a bumpy, bumpy road.  The detours we take on the journey make us stronger, more resilient, and better.  What goals we set may not be the goals that were set for us when we were born.  We may have to keep trying over and over until it's the time that God (or Karma or Fate or whatever term you want to use) decides is right. 
Better people come into our lives, better opportunities arrive, but only if YOU KEEP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF.  I can't do it for you.  I can and will always be standing right beside you to help you on your journey, but you have to remember that it is YOUR journey and not my journey. 
Unfortunately, sorrow and pain are part of learning and loving.  I will help you learn to get through it but I can't make it go away with a kiss or a hug or even a phone call.  You have to fight your battles.  I have given you all that I have so that you have a good foundation upon which to build your life but you have to provide the strength and the labor.
Nothing worth having comes easily...Adversity will make you appreciate your achievements.  It's an old saying, but it's true.  Don't fight the struggle and don't give up.  What you dream for yourself WILL happen if you continue to pursue it. 


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